Waders arriving

Warmest day off the year.... but not here as the day started with some murky misty rain. This of course is just the right conditions for bringing some birds down onto the reserve that may have just passed over. As a result it was very much a wader orientated day.

Star bird was a single Knot briefly on the Mere, a species which is not recorded annually on the reserve. Of course 6 miles as the waders fly you could see 15000+ on the coast.

The first Little Ringed Plover was on the Mere early on before relocating to Woodend Marsh. Two Common Sandpiper were new in as well as 10 Dunlin. Other waders included 60+ Black-tailed Godwit, 20 Ruff, 10 Redshank, 40+ Lapwing, 10 Oystercatcher, 2 Ringed Plover and Common Snipe.

The first White Wagtails of the year dropped in out on Woodend Marsh. More Wheatear were to be seen out on the reserve. Considerably more Swallow and Sand Martin than of late, also House Martin today.

Willow Tit again in trees just after the Duckery.

As usual 2 Mediterranean Gull on the Mere.

Just off the reserve on Marsh Moss Lane Grey Partridge and Corn Bunting.

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