Waders & Gulls and Glossy Ibis!

A great time of year on site to enjoy the numbers of spring waders building up and the gathering of the gull colony, the latter going from strength to strength each year. At least 4 Mediterranean Gulls (Adults) today among 1000+ Black headed Gulls on the Mere, with one pair displaying. It's only a matter of time before we have breeding Med Gulls on site, maybe this will be the year? Other Gulls included Great Black backed Gull, Lesser black backed Gull and at least 2 Common Gulls.

Mediterranean Gulls, 2 of 4 birds present this afternoon (T. Disley)
Mediterranean Gulls, 2 of 4 adult birds present this afternoon (T. Disley)

Lots of waders to see at the moment with counts of 56 Avocet, 20 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Curlew, 69 Ruff, 91 Oystercatcher, 1 Snipe and lots of Lapwing including displaying birds.

In nearby Burscough, a Glossy Ibis was seen this afternoon flying over the observers house and heading towards Martin Mere, despite searching on site the bird wasn't found this afternoon/evening but hopefully will be relocated tomorrow.

The first Brimstone butterfly was seen today along with a Bumblebee and another unidentified Butterfly

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