
A big influx of warblers today as we add Sedge, Reed and Grasshopper Warbler to the reserve's year list. Noticeably greater numbers of Willow Warbler and Blackcap around today.

More Wheatear again this morning opposite the reserve.  At this time of year we see birds showing characteristics of Greenland Wheatear.














More wader movements today as 3 tundra race Ringed Plover dropped in with Dunlin this morning. At least 20 Ruff present some in breeding plumage, Common Sandpiper and 100+ Black-tailed Godwit as well as similar counts to yesterday.

Seven Med Gull today including one 1st year bird. Two Little Egret.

House Martin with Sand Martin and Swallow feeding near the Sewage Works this morning.

First Speckled Wood Butterfly on the wing today. Yesterday Water Vole from the Gladstone Hide.


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