
A group of 4 Whimbrel appeared on the Mere mid afternoon for a drink and a bathe before  heading off north. Other signs of wader passage were a group of 8 Ringed Plover and a Dunlin on Woodend Marsh this morning. Other waders included single Curlew, Ruff and Little Ringed Plover on the Mere and a Common Sandpiper from Harrier Hide.

Two out of a group of 4 Whimbrel on the Mere this afternoon (T. Disley)
Two out of a group of 4 Whimbrel on the Mere this afternoon (T. Disley)

A Little Egret was from Kingfisher Hide most of the day and a Raven was seen over the fields. Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff all seen and heard on site today. Also a few Swift over the reserve.

Pintail, Gadwall and Shoveler were all present on the Mere. Also a pair of Common Tern on Woodend Marsh viewable from UU Hide.

A pair of Mediterranean Gull (3rd cal yr & prob Adult) were brief visitors to the Mere in the afternoon before heading off over the collection.

A female Marsh Harrier was seen around the reserve, along with the usual Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

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