Whimbrel and Yellow Wagtail

First up date for a while. Ive been off for a few days apparently some difficulties accessing the website.

No new birds on the reserve until today with the arrival and departure of Whimbrel and 2 Yellow Wagtail  this morning, both species briefly from the Ron Barker Hide. Whimbrel are moving through the county and tend to peak in early May. Yellow Wagtail breed locally as well as being passage migrants.

The Reedbed Walk is always worth a look and today produced Yellowhammer on the hedge opposite the Sewage Works. A very elusive Cetti's Warbler was heard near the last viewing platform and Grasshopper Warbler was also reeling there.

Other species seen today included Peregrine, the first for a while, Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Common Sandpiper in addition to the breeding waders present. A few Swift on the move and perhaps a few more Sand Martin.

Do keep any eye out for any flocks of Black-tailed Godwit for they maybe carrying a single Hudsonian Godwit in their midst. What does that look like I hear you say? Probably best to google it, but it's overall darker with less rufous tones and a very striking black underwing. If you find it at WWT Martin Mere I'll buy you a pint or the drink of your choice!



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