Whimbrel continue

A rain front passed through by 12am followed by breezy and mostly sunny conditions.

Today's news is mostly about waders but as of late some excellent birding with the potential of seeing over 80 species on and around the reserve (see previous sightings reports).

Whimbrel continue to drop in on the reserve with a couple of birds present early on and 12 turning up in front of the Ron Barker Hide in the afternoon, also 2 Curlew with them.

Out on Woodend Marsh 2 Little Ringed Plover and another 2 on the Mere. At least 40 Avocet present with birds now sitting on eggs. The Oystercatcher to the left of the Ron Barker Hide still had 3 chicks today, Ringed Plover there too.

Breeding Lapwing
 Lapwing looking for worms

Common Sandpiper again on the Mere. A few Dunlin on Woodend Marsh. Small numbers of Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit and 20+ Lapwing.

 Black-tailed Godwits looking great as usual!
Black-tailed Godwits looking great as usual!

Raptors included Marsh Harrier, 4+ Common Buzzard, Peregrine, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

A pair of adult Mediterranean Gull joined Black-headed Gulls  on the Mere mid afternoon. Common Tern roving around but mostly out on Woodend.

Seven Wheatear still (see previous maps). Grey Wagtail flew through. Common Swifts again on passage.


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