
A very frosty start to the day but blues skies until the afternoon. Whinchat on the outer edge of the reserve in newly ploughed fields parallel to the railway line was new for the year. Also there 6 Wheatear.

Three reeling Grasshopper Warbler on the reserve including one close to the path edge on the Reedbed Walk near the first viewing platform. Perhaps as many as 20 Sedge Warbler singing in this full area.

Sedge Warbler singing along the Reedbed Walk
Sedge Warbler singing along the Reedbed Walk

Waders today included Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, 20+ Ruff, 15+ Black-tailed Godwit, 8 Redshank, 6 Oystercatcher, 30 Lapwing and 40+ Avocet.

Three Med Gull (2Ad + 1 imm). More Swift today.

Tawny Owl between Janet Kear Hide and UU Hides.

Over 70 species recorded on the reserve today. It should be possible to record 80 species in a full day at this time of year.

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