White-winged Black Tern

Bird of the year (so far..) an adult White-winged Black Tern on the reserve this morning and still present late afternoon. This diminutive marsh tern is about 2/3rd the size of a Common Tern and has a eastern distribution in Europe, although the species is found all the way from Poland to China.

White-winged Black Tern with Black-headed Gull
White-winged Black Tern with Black-headed Gull

We think this is the 5th record of this species at Martin Mere and the first since the early 2000's.

White-winged Black Tern on Woodend Marsh
White-winged Black Tern on Woodend Marsh

Temminck's Stint, 2 Little Stint and 3 Sanderling. Also seen Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 2+ Little Ringed Plover.

Yellow Wagtail close by on Curlew Lane.

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