White-winged Black Tern

The undoubted highlight today was the appearance of a White-winged Black Tern (3rd cal year/2nd sum) which graced the Mere most of the morning before relocating to Ron Barker area and then back and forth between the two for the rest of the day.

White-winged Black Tern montage (T. Disley)
White-winged Black Tern montage (T. Disley)

Lots of other sightings included a male Garganey on view occasionally from Ron Barker Hide, also Kingfisher again from here and Cuckoo showing again.

A Green Sandpiper was new for the year out on Woodend Marsh viewed from UU Hide. Three Raven were seen on and off through the day.

Nearby along Curlew Lane 3 Yellow Wagtail and a Cuckoo were seen.

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