Willow Tit

A late sighting from yesterday was a Willow Tit seen near the Ron Barker hide, hopefully more sightings to come of this scarce Lancashire bird. Lots of sightings to report from today, winter Thrushes were seen with up to 120 Fieldfare and 50 Redwing and Song Thrush. A summer visitor in the form of a female Blackcap is still around, a few more Goldcrests, Treecreeper, 3+ Grey Wagtail, 3 Stonechat, Kingfisher and a flock of 8 Siskin.

At least 20,000 Pink-footed Geese were estimated at dawn this morning, with birds coming and going throughout the day. The juv male Sparrowhawk is still being seen on and off throughout the day at Janet Kear hide, other raptors included 3+ Marsh Harrier, 2-3 Sparrowhawk, 4+ Common Buzzard and 2-3 Kestrel.

Sparrowhawk, Janet Kear Hide (T. Disley)
Sparrowhawk, Janet Kear Hide (T. Disley)


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