Willow Tit

A Willow or Marsh Tit was seen near the Ron Barker hide this morning, almost certainly a Willow Tit on local distribution and recent records. Up to 3 Little Egrets were seen around the site today. Dawn counts this morning revealed a total of 1370 Whooper Swans and 3200 Pink-footed Geese on the Mere.

Lapwings and Whooper Swans (T. Disley)
Lapwings, Black headed Gulls and Whooper Swans (T. Disley)

At least 33 Pochard on the mere along with Pintail, Shoveler, Wigeon, Teal, Shelduck and Mallard. Two Oystercatchers and 50+ Ruff were counted on the mere and 1000+ Lapwing were around the reserve evading the juv male Peregrine that was keeping them on their toes! At least 1 Marsh Harrier (imm) and sev Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and a report of a Merlin.

Carrion Crows feeding on dead Whooper Swan (T. Disley)
Carrion Crows feeding on dead Whooper Swan, most Swan deaths at this time of year tend to be caused by a gut infection picked up following the change in diet. (T. Disley)

Up to 5 Stonechat can be seen out on the fenceposts at the moment, a Barn Owl was active this morning and afternoon, and the Tawny Owl was again roosting in the pine trees near the Kingfisher Hide.

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