Willow Tit

Cold but virtually windless making for good viewing.

Bird of the day was a sighting of Willow Tit from the Janet Kear Hide. It's the second sighting of the year which is unusual as birds once arrived tend to be seen regularly until they disappear. Hopefully this one will hang around.

A few wildfowl counts included 15 Gadwall, 40 Tufted Duck and Little Grebe from the Harrier Hide.

Two Tawny Owls showing well today including one bird hunting during the day. Barn Owls seen from the Ron Barker Hide and yesterday from the Harrier Hide.

At least 1300 Whooper Swan on the reserve this morning.

Raptors included Marsh Harrier, 5+ Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.


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