Winter birding

A lovely start to the day in sunshine and a single early shower. The wind picked up early afternoon making it feel cooler before some rain at dusk. Over 70 species can be seen on and around the reserve at present.


The Firecrest was seen again twice near the Common Crane enclosure. It is not particularly following the flock and tends to be seen fairly low in the undergrowth.

Siskins with Goldfinch in the same area.

Out on the reserve at least 2 Stonechat.

Raptors included 3 Marsh Harrier, 3 Common Buzzard, Peregrine, 3 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Tawny and Barn Owls seen today.

Marsh Harrier beyond Top Mere

Perhaps a few more Pink-footed Geese around. Barnacle Goose yesterday. Over 1000 Whooper Swan roosting and 3000+ Teal.





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