Otter notice

⚠️ Otter notice ⚠️

Please note that from Mon 2 Sept to Sun 8 Sept the otters will be off show whilst we complete works on their habitat. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


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Wood Sandpiper

A little bit of 'weather' and a few new birds drop in! Wood Sandpiper joins the list of recent waders. More Ruff arriving with 14 birds, 160+ Black-tailed Godwit,  a juvenile Redshank today, Green Sandpiper, 5+ Common Snipe and unusually for this time of year Woodcock, flushed by a warden. Greenshank still present yesterday.

Raptor of the day goes to Hobby hunting over Woodend Marsh this afternoon. Adult female Marsh Harrier still present, 3+ Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel. A new Marsh Harrier was in yesterday, a melanistic juvenile, which could cause some confusion for the unwary.

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