Wood Sandpiper

Early cloud cover and a few spots of rain cleared later followed by a fresher North Westerly and sunshine.

The second Wood Sandpiper of the year on the reserve feeding in the shallower areas to the left of the Harrier Hide.

The number of post breeding Lapwing is increasing with 400+ birds joined by 200+ Starling feeding on Woodend Marsh and the Mere.

Again 150+ Black-tailed Godwit and 10+ Ruff around the reserve. Two Common Sandpiper on Woodend Marsh, 7 Little Ringed Plover and one Ringed Plover on Vinson's.

Small numbers of Common Tern moving around the reserve. The successfully fledged young have probably left the reserve with the adults.

Raptors included Marsh Harrier, 5+ Common Buzzard, 3 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Click on map to enlarge
Click on map to enlarge

A few butterflies on the wing including Comma, Small White and Meadow Brown. Given that we have recorded nearly 2000 species of plant, fungus, birds, mammals, insects etc there is always something new to see.

Common Stiletto Fly (female) - Thereva nobilitata
Common Stiletto Fly (female) - Thereva nobilitata


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