Wood Sandpiper

No reports today of the Bittern despite being looked for, hopefully will be seen again soon. The Wood Sandpiper is still on Wood End Marsh viewable from UU Hide, also an adult Dunlin there this evening. Little Ringed Plovers have increased to 11 and at least 1 Green Sandpiper was seen along with 2-3 Common Sandpiper, also 2-3 Ruff, 4 Oystercatcher, 2 Avocet, 8+ Snipe and 1 Black-tailed Godwit.

The Cuckoo was reported from Ron Barker Hide this afternoon, 2 Peregrine and a Marsh Harrier were seen along with several Common Buzzard and 3+ Kestrel.

A Barn Owl was out hunting late afternoon.

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