Wood Sandpiper

A Wood Sandpiper was present this evening, being flighty and calling frequently and after no sightings being reported all day - this is likely to be a new bird, there are a currently a lot of Wood Sandpipers passing through the country. Other sightings today included 2 Golden Plover, 45+ Ruff (inc 22 juveniles), 1 Dunlin, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2+ Green Sandpiper, 5+ Black-tailed Godwit.

Wood Sandpiper with Ruff and Snipe (photo: T. Disley)
Wood Sandpiper with Ruff and Snipe this evening  (photo: T. Disley)

At least 3 possibly 4 Hobbies were seen by many this afternoon, this is probably a record count for the site. Other raptors seen were an imm fem Marsh Harrier, 2-3 Kestrel, 2 Sparrowhawk, several Common Buzzard.

An unusually large number of Swifts for the time of year were over the site late afternoon/early evening, with at least 20-30 birds distantly with Swallows and Martins. Other new arrivals today were 9 Wigeon (1 fem, 8 male) the first of the autumn, also good numbers of Teal now building up with c400 counted. A count of 23 Shoveler on the Mere.

The Little Egret was again from Harrier Hide this afternoon, also 7 Little Grebe from here. The Kingfisher was again showing well.


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