Wood Sandpiper still present.

Wood Sandpiper on Vinson's Marsh
Wood Sandpiper on Vinson's Marsh

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Wood Sandpiper still present late afternoon from the Ron Barker. Other waders present today include 150 Black-tailed Godwit, 100+ Lapwing, 14 Avocet, 3 moulting male Ruff, 2 Ringed Plover, 2+ Little Ringed Plover, 8 Redshank including 3 (Wood Sandpiper-like!) fledged juveniles on Sunley's Marsh and 4 Oystercatcher.

Moulting Ruff
Moulting Ruff

Two Common Tern and their 2 chicks (~13 days to go...) still present out on Wood End Marsh. Juvenile Grey Wagtail on (Miller's) bridge opposite Ron Barker Hide. Marsh Harrier from the Harrier Hide.

Bee Orchid on the banking near the Harrier Hide
Bee Orchid on the banking near the Harrier Hide

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