Wood Sandpipers

Starting off calm and overcast ending with rain and light southerlies. Two Wood Sandpiper that dropped onto Woodend Marsh mid morning were new for the year, and still present late afternoon being chased around by Avocet.

Other waders included 2 male Ruff in breeding plumage, 30+ Avocet, 100+ Lapwing, 11 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Oystercatcher, 8+ Redshank, 4+ Ringed Plover, 2 Little Ringed Plover and a Greenshank (heard). Yesterday a Common Snipe was 'drumming' over Lord's Marsh.

Two male Ruff in breeding plumage

A male Marsh Harrier was being mobbed by Common Tern out from the Ron Barker Hide early afternoon. At least 5 Common Buzzard seen, also Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Two Cuckoo seen flying out along the vegetation on Vinson's Marsh. Kingfisher in front of the Ron Barker Hide.

Some small Starling flocks around the reserve comprising of adults and this years young.

True to form yesterday's White-winged Black Tern was a no show today. They rarely hang around for more than a day in spring/early summer.

Currently it's possible to record over 60 species of wild bird on the reserve.





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