
The first sighting of Woodcock this autumn with a bird which was flushed along the new Wild Walk inside the waterfowl gardens. Well worth keeping an eye out for Woodcock from now on from the Janet Kear Hide.

Peregrines (adult male and imm female) hunting this morning around the reserve, flushing 1000+ Lapwing. Raptor sightings were limited to Marsh Harrier, 6+ Common Buzzard and 2 Kestrel.

With the continued influx of Rough-legged Buzzard into the UK it's well worth doing a little homework as to what these birds look like, so when you see one locally you'll have no doubts as to what you are looking at!

Plentiful wildfowl, Whoopers, Pink's, Teal and Wigeon.

A minimum of 4 Stonechat out on the reserve fences.

A flock of 20 Fieldfare on the reserve late afternoon.

Kingfishers from the Ron Barker Hide and a Water Rail was seen briefly crossing the Nature Trail path between the Gladstone and Janet Kear Hides.

A small Starling murmuration is occurring in front of the Harrier Hide from around 4.30pm onwards.


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