Yellow Wagtail and Rook!

Overcast with the occasional light shower only the cool Northerlies taking the edge off classic conditions for dropping some waders in. On saying that 5 Common Sandpiper were obviously new arrivals as well as Dunlin and a couple of Ringed Plover. More Ruff than of late with over 20 birds. The usual numbers of Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Oystercatcher and a few Snipe.

One of the five Common Sandpiper today
One of the five Common Sandpiper today

Numbers of singing Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Reed and Sedge Warbler are present around the reserve. However Grasshopper Warbler were quiet this morning.

Whitethroat on the Long Hedge
Whitethroat on the Long Hedge

Plenty of activity along and beyond the Reed Bed Walk with at least 7 Wheatear on the now ploughed field beyond Long Hedge. Yellowhammer singing there and new for the year Rook!

Rook. Surprisingly uncommon within the reserve boundaries
Rook. Surprisingly uncommon within the reserve boundaries.

Late afternoon 150+ Hirundine feeding over the Sewage Works, 30 Pied Wagtail, 2 White Wagtail, Grey Wagtail and new for the year Yellow Wagtail.

Male and Female Wheatear
Male and Female Wheatear

Other birds of note included a new Little Gull briefly out on Vinson's Marsh, Little Egret from the Harrier Hide and Raven.

Surprise mammal of the day Roe Deer. An unusual sighting on the reserve.

Roe Deer just about in frame as it got too close to 'digiscope' with mobile phone and telescope
Roe Deer just about in frame as it got too close to 'digiscope' with mobile phone and telescope.



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