Yellowhammer and other birds

Storm 'Frank' was luckily a damp squib in our region so all of the hides and all but a small part of the Waterfowl Gardens are completely open.


Yellowhammer is a species which can be found present within the local vicinity of the reserve. One near the Cattle Shed by the Sewage Works on the reserve itself was note worthy.

The fields out on the reserve are looking great with 3000+ Lapwing feeding around the newly created pools, a couple of Golden Plover have been among, 60+ Ruff, 10+ Common Snipe and a single Oystercatcher hanging around thinking it's spring..

The usual raptors with 2 Marsh Harrier, 2+ Common Buzzard, Peregrine, Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Tawny and Barn Owls also as usual.

No obvious change in wildfowl numbers with 15+ species present with counts as on previous days.

In a full days birding you should be able to see 60+ species.

No sign of yesterday's Green Woodpecker.



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