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Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The pink-footed geese have arrived! 4000 have been counted on the reserve today and they have been streaming in since Tuesday night when the first large skeins began to fly over the reserve. They are being heard and seen overhead all over the reserve at t

16 September 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Pink-footed geese numbers are on the rise! Flocks are being seen and heard increasingly frequently on the reserve as they arrive back from Iceland to spend the winter in the UK, having completed their autumn migration. A total of 71 had dropped in in-fron

13 September 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Migration continues here at Martin mere with numbers of waders moving through the reserve still high. There has been a noticeable increase in willow warblers and chiffchaffs on the reserve, particularly on the path towards harrier hide and around Reines h

6 September 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Autumn Migration is beginning to get under way now, with our first pink-footed geese flocks of the autumn being seen on the reserve over the past week. Today, 21 of them dropped in briefly in-front of Gordon Taylor hide. Some of our wintering ducks are al

2 September 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The bull will be moved to the field next to Ron Barker hide!Lots of mud visible in front of Ron Barker and Gordon Taylor...Ron BarkerHobbyCommon sandpiperWater rail5 Little-ringed ploversLittle egretKingfishersDiscovery HideCattle egret (on tern raft)Garg

30 August 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Today the weather has turned and started to get cooler. We are finishing baling the hay from the 2 fields in the middle of the reserve this can be seen from the ron barker hide, UU and Kingfisher. These fields are called Owl marsh and Outer Vincents. B

15 August 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sighting's include:Ron Barker HideKingfisherBlack-tailed godwitRuffGrey heronLapwingHobbyBuzzardDiscovery / Raines / Hale / Gladstone HidesCattle egretLittle egretCormorantLittle grebeHarrier Hide / Reedbed WalkBarn owlGrey heronLittle egretMu

11 August 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:Ron Barker HideBarn owlHobbyBuzzardKestrelWhooper swanBlack-tailed godwitRuffGrey heronDiscovery / Raines / Hale / Gladstone HidesCattle egretLittle grebeCormorantCommon sandpiperTufted ducks with ducklingsKestrelJanet Kear H

9 August 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's latest sightings include:Ron Barker HideBarn owlMarsh HarrierBuzzardKestrelCormorantSwallowBlack-tailed godwitLittle ringed ploverLapwingDiscovery / Gladstone / Raines / Hale HidesCattle egretCormorantKestrelBlack-tailed godwitCommon ternHarri

3 August 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:Ron Barker HideBlack-tailed godwits in summer plumageLapwingMarsh harrierSwallowDiscovery / Hale / Raines / Gladstone HidesCattle egretLittle grebeCormorantLapwingCommon ternHarrier Hide / Reedbed WalkMarsh harrierGreat crest

28 July 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The cattle egret has been making regular appearances close to our group of cattle at the back of the Mere. It can be seen from Discovery Hide with binoculars or scopes, but can be viewed up close from Gladstone Hide. A little grebe and several terns are a

22 July 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This morning we carried out a Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS), and counted these birds: 3 Gadwall 12 Teal 476 Mallard 4 Pochard 6 Tufted Duck 28 Shelduck 65 Greylag Geese 139 Canada Geese 86 Moorhen 59 Coot 1 Snipe 348 Lapwing 3 R

18 July 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

There have been three great crested grebes spotted at Harrier Hide, including one sat on a nest and one juvenile. A great white egret and 2 juvenile grey herons were also seen. Barn owls have been a regular sight at Ron Barker hide, and the cattle egret h

11 July 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The sandpipers are returning to the reserve for summer, with 12 common sandpipers and 7 green sandpipers spotted on Woodend Marsh. The cattle egret has also been seen again on site. There are plenty of juvenile birds around at the moment - our marsh harri

6 July 2022

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week's sightings include:Ron Barker HideCanada gooseShelduckOystercatcherAvocets (including a juvenile)Black-tailed godwitMarsh harrierBarn owlHareKingfisher HideGreat titBlue titGoldfinchGreenfinchChaffinchRobinDiscovery / Raines / Hale / Gladstone

1 July 2022