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Sightings Highlights

Sightings Highlights

A bright day but a change in temperature as the Northerly airflow bring cool air over the UK. Interesting to note today good numbers of Swift feeding over the reserve in the afternoon. Still 2 Knot present now for their 6th day(!) moulting into breeding p

14 May 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A fairly quiet day today, with few reports from around the reserve. At least 10 species of wader present with the 2 Knot on Woodend Marsh (from the United Utilities hide) for their fourth day - a remarkably long stay for this coastal species which, on the

13 May 2016

Still no Black Terns !!

Still no Black Terns !!

Still no Black Terns (see yesterday's post), but they are getting closer, with one only a couple of miles away at Mere Sands today! On the reserve, still 2 Knot from the United Utilities hide along with a single Dunlin and at least 2 Common Terns. Also 2

12 May 2016

No Black Terns....

No Black Terns....

It's May and another day with easterly winds and rain showers and still no Black Terns! This isn't really a complaint as the reserve is packed full of breeding species as well as the current crop of migrating waders, the later making a count of 14 species

11 May 2016

All about waders

All about waders

Thirteen species of wader seen today as a result of the rain produced by the predicted weather front. This front is looking like it will be stationary for a couple of days so more birds may drop in! Two new species for the year with two Knot on Woodend Ma

10 May 2016

Transit of Mercury

Transit of Mercury

Transit of Mercury showed well at Martin Mere today. Mercury in front of the Sun (the 10 o'clockish dot) Hottest day of the year with pretty much non stop sunshine and easterly winds. Clear condition aren't usually th

9 May 2016



A group of 4 Whimbrel appeared on the Mere mid afternoon for a drink and a bathe before  heading off north. Other signs of wader passage were a group of 8 Ringed Plover and a Dunlin on Woodend Marsh this morning. Other waders included single Curlew, Ruff

7 May 2016

Bird News

Bird News

A bright, warm day today, with a good variety of species again seen around the reserve - a 'day list' of 70+ species can be acheived without too much difficulty at the moment. Today's highlights included a Cuckoo and Barn Owl from the Janet Kear hide and

6 May 2016

Ibis and Warblers

Ibis and Warblers

A Glossy Ibis was reported by " a member of the public" flying away from the Harrier hide early this afternoon, but no further information available. A good variety of warblers around the reserve, with a probable Garden Warbler, as well as Chiffchaff, Wil

5 May 2016

Little Gulls again

Little Gulls again

A breezy chilly start to the day followed by blue skies and sunshine. Some Orange-tip butterfly took to the wing today, summer is round the corner! The Harrier Hide in the distance looking from one of the viewing platforms

3 May 2016

Whimbrel continue

Whimbrel continue

A rain front passed through by 12am followed by breezy and mostly sunny conditions. Today's news is mostly about waders but as of late some excellent birding with the potential of seeing over 80 species on and around the reserve (see previous sightings re

2 May 2016

Little Tern

Little Tern

Misty rain for most of the day had all the possibility of interesting birds which did materialise  early on and late in the day! First up, a Little Tern was present early on Woodend Marsh viewed from the public footpath signage next to 'Wheatear Field'.

1 May 2016

Farmland Specialists

Farmland Specialists

Slightly warmer today although not exactly a heat wave! The fact that a few Swift went through the reserve late afternoon can only be a good omen. Mossland sunrise Starting off with news from around the reserve and on

30 April 2016



Last of the winter blast today hopefully as slightly milder condition set in. The next 6 weeks are some of the most exciting in the birding calendar and over the past 6 years have produced rarities such as White-spotted Bluethroat, Montagu's Harrier, Red-

29 April 2016

Bird News

Bird News

Another cold day, this time with rain thrown in for good measure! A pair of Mediterranean Gulls spent part of the day on the Mere, along with 6 Black-tailed Godwits, several Avocets and a Common Sandpiper. Another Common Sandpiper was in the collection ar

28 April 2016