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The reverse migration of Daisy Clarke

The reverse migration of Daisy Clarke

A final burst of winter has made some of our transmitter swans think twice about continuing their journeys eastwards. Temperatures in Estonia have reached lows of -3ºC over the last few days and this sudden change is likely to have encouraged the reverse

18 March 2015

Transmitter swans making good progress

Transmitter swans making good progress

We are very pleased to bring you the latest news on the journeys of 18 Bewick’s swans fitted with GPS transmitters in the UK during the last two winters. Following their departure from British shores in February and March, the swans fanned out across th

11 March 2015

Spring migration underway!

Spring migration underway!

The first Bewick’s swans have embarked on spring migration back to their arctic Russian breeding grounds. The lengthening days have signalled the start of the migratory period for the swans and the prevailing westerly winds have provided the final nudge

18 February 2015

Cold snap heralds more swans!

Cold snap heralds more swans!

As the days lengthen and with spring around the corner, the Bewick’s swans would ordinarily be preparing for their long journey back to the Russian arctic. However, the recent cold snap and north-easterly winds have encouraged a few more dedicated swans

6 February 2015

International swan census

International swan census

Last week, hundreds of dedicated observers across Europe ventured out to take part in the International Swan Census. The census happens every five years and aims to record all of the Bewick’s swans in the Northwest European population along with their d

28 January 2015

The colourful life of an old bird!

The colourful life of an old bird!

Last week saw the return of Caper, one of the oldest Bewick’s swans on record! Caper first visited Slimbridge back in the autumn of 1989 as a yearling and has now reached the grand old age of 26! He’s now not far behind our record-breakers Winterling

12 January 2015

Swan fall for Christmas!

Swan fall for Christmas!

Photo by C. Butters Freezing temperatures, north-easterly winds and clear skies over Christmas have encouraged hundreds of Bewick’s swans on the continent to continue with their journey and finally reach Britain. Si

30 December 2014

Dario's family rule the roost!

Dario's family rule the roost!

As the winter progresses and more swans arrive at Slimbridge, a pecking order is developing as the fight to become the most dominant bird on the lake unfolds. We are now greeted every morning by dramatic displays of honking, frantic wing flapping and neck

23 December 2014

Hope for swans - thank you

Hope for swans - thank you

This year we introduced you to Hope, a Bewick's swan fitted with a GPS tag that lets us track her remarkable migratory journeys. Hope and her companions are at risk. Research has revealed an alarming trend: Bewick's swan numbers plummeted from 29,000 to 1

19 December 2014

The Divorcee

The Divorcee

Swan Lake was humming with life this morning with the throng of tired new arrivals as they crowded in to make the most of the supplementary grain feed. Over the last week, 36 new swans have completed their 2,500 mile journey and arrived at Slimbridge, pus

9 December 2014

Hope is on the move!

Hope is on the move!

Hope is nearing the end of her long journey from the Russian arctic to north-west Europe. Latest news from her satellite transmitter indicates that she flew 600 miles non-stop from Estonia to Denmark this week! Bewick’s swans can only carry a limited am

28 November 2014

The Gamblers are back!

The Gamblers are back!

Dropping temperatures and south-easterly winds have seen a continuous trickle of new swans reaching our reserves in recent days, culminating in 40 birds at the Slimbridge feed this morning. We were thrilled by the arrival of firm favourites, Croupier and

24 November 2014

Andre has made it to the UK

Andre has made it to the UK

Andres is the first of our transmitter swans to arrive back in the UK! Over the last few weeks, we have been gripped by the journeys of Andres, Hope, Lech and Eileen. Since fitting these swans with GPS transmitters last winter, we have been able to follow

20 November 2014

Eileen's on the move!

Eileen's on the move!

The hollars of “come on Eileen” have worked! Following a bit of a slow start, Eileen has made the great leap from Estonia to Denmark! And judging by this week’s weather forecast marked by north-easterly winds, it is likely that Hope (currently in Es

17 November 2014

Hello Riddler!

Hello Riddler!

Photo credit: Colin Butters Slimbridge faithful, Riddler, has made it back for his 24th winter! In the autumn of 1991, Riddler and his two siblings followed his parents, Oranges and Apples, from where they hatched in

13 November 2014