Slimbridge Wetland Centre

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Feel alive in wildlife-rich wetlands this summer

Summer staycation

Wake up to wildlife in our luxurious Bewick’s Lodge.

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WWT is the charity that protects wetlands and wildlife.

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The swans are coming!

The swans are coming!

The epic migration of Bewick's swans from the tundras of arctic Russia to warmer wintering sites in Northwest Europe has begun! We heard a couple of weeks ago that all of the swans had left the Pechora Zapovednik (a key breeding area in Russia) and that a

3 October 2013

Au Revoir!

Au Revoir!

Our last two remaining Bewick’s swans have finally left on spring migration, drawing to a close another eventful swan season! Whirls and Alik stayed at Slimbridge until 11 April, before natural urges to migrate and breed, triggered by the lengthening da

16 April 2013

And then there were two!

And then there were two!

Not long after we waved goodbye to the last seven swans last week, two more reappeared! Whirls and yearling Alik had seemingly grown tired of the antics of the territorial pair of breeding mute swans on the main Rushy Lake and took themselves off to the g

3 April 2013

Migration starts again!

Migration starts again!

At last some south-westerly winds and clear skies! On Thursday there were 124 Bewick’s swans at Slimbridge but by Friday there were only 35! The swans had been stalling – days of unfavourable north-easterly winds had dissuaded most from starting their

19 March 2013

Cold weather halts migration!

Cold weather halts migration!

Swans flying into the feed (C. Butters) A return to north-easterly winds has brought much colder air from Scandanavia and Eastern Europe causing the Bewick’s swans to delay their migration back to Russia for conside

11 March 2013

Swans late leaving Slimbridge

Swans late leaving Slimbridge

Swans flying over Slimbridge (C. Butters) No sooner had the swans departed, they had returned! After groups were heard noisily flying away from Slimbridge on Thursday night and fewer birds were found in the area the f

7 March 2013

Swans start leaving Slimbridge!

Swans start leaving Slimbridge!

                The first 77 Bewick’s started their spring migration from Slimbridge last night! A large group were heard calling at 1am as dozens flew over the Scott House (A. Brodzinski) and today we were left

1 March 2013

First signs of spring migration!

First signs of spring migration!

Spring migration has officially started with groups of Bewick’s seen making their way across the Netherlands! Ornithologist Martin Jansen sent this news from Holland: ‘Yesterday morning and also this morning I have seen many Bewick’s flying north-ea

22 February 2013

Illegal shooting persists

Illegal shooting persists

Over the past few weeks we have been able to catch 19 Bewick’s swans wintering at Slimbridge. A 'swan-pipe' These are birds that have swum up a netted tunnel trap known as a ‘swan-pipe’ and once caught,

18 February 2013

Another 24 year old reaches Britain!

Another 24 year old reaches Britain!

Caper at the swan feed in 2004 We were very excited to see the return of Caper to Slimbridge in December, who at the grand old age of 24 years, is the oldest known Bewick’s swan in Britain this winter. We heard toda

5 February 2013

January - a great time to see the swans!

January - a great time to see the swans!

As we lurch towards the end of January it seems unreal that the Bewick’s will be with us for only a few more weeks before they start to head off back to Russia next month. It seems doubtful that we will see many new arrivals now as the swans will be thi

29 January 2013

Highest count of the winter at Slimbridge!

Highest count of the winter at Slimbridge!

Yesterday we counted 276 wild Bewick’s swans on Swan Lake at Slimbridge, the highest count of the winter so far! This already surpasses last winter’s top count of 198 birds and the five-year average of peak counts for the reserve (242 birds). As the c

23 January 2013

Cuticle arrives after 10 year absence!

Cuticle arrives after 10 year absence!

It’s been a funny old winter! After months of rain which saw the swans disperse to feed and roost across newly flooded fields, dropping temperatures have now made those areas deserted ice rinks! As adaptable as ever, the Slimbridge swans have been searc

17 January 2013

Swans make the most of floods

Swans make the most of floods

2012 was the second wettest year on record and over the last few months, newly flooded scrapes have appeared all over the country, encouraging flocks of Bewick’s to disperse and discover new roosting and feeding sites (Met Office).

10 January 2013

Bewick's have a good breeding year!

Bewick's have a good breeding year!

The Bewick’s swans have had a much needed good breeding year according to the results of a recent survey.  A huge international effort involving the counting and ageing of over 12,000 swans across Europe revealed 14% young in the flocks surveyed, the h

27 December 2012