Slimbridge Wetland Centre

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Biggest Slimbridge family on record!

Biggest Slimbridge family on record!

Everton (left), Rovers (right) and their big brood (J S Lees) The largest Bewick’s swan family ever recorded at Slimbridge has flown in! We thought we were seeing double when Slimbridge regular Everton brought his n

18 December 2012

'Swanfall' continues with cold weather

'Swanfall' continues with cold weather

The freezing weather and snow has accompanied the arrival of 117 new Bewick's swans over the last week alone! Today, 132 wild swans (including 26 cygnets) were recorded on the Slimbridge reserve, and while temperatures remain cold, more will be on their w

6 December 2012

'Swanfall' and a Riddle!

'Swanfall' and a Riddle!

The swans came flooding in to Slimbridge last night under a full moon and clear skies as temperatures dipped to a chilly -2.4°C. Our first ‘swanfall’ of the season saw 38 new birds arrive increasing the count to 86! This means that nearly 60 swans ha

30 November 2012

More swans arrive in cold weather

More swans arrive in cold weather

As the winds swung to the north-east, the swans came! Over the past couple of days, we have seen the back of the mild and wet weather. The north-easterly winds and clear night skies illuminated by a full moon, have created very good conditions for migrati

29 November 2012

Slimbridge - 'The Avian Serengeti'!

Slimbridge - 'The Avian Serengeti'!

‘Floods and wind batter parts of the UK’...'Floods and gales bring misery to the UK’... These were just a few of the familiar headlines you may have seen this week. Up to 44 mm of rain fell within hours and south-westerly gusts of up to 70 miles per

23 November 2012

The swans are late and yes it’s the weathers fault!

The swans are late and yes it’s the weathers fault!

Since the first Bewick’s swans flew into Britain last month we were expecting hundreds to be hot on their heels. But things are working out rather differently this autumn... So far, only 21 swans have reached Slimbridge which falls far below the average

16 November 2012

A promising year for the Bewick's?

A promising year for the Bewick's?

Mild temperatures and westerly winds have stemmed the flow of Bewick’s to Britain in recent days with only small groups venturing across the North Sea from the continent. However, slowly but surely the swans are edging closer. The 2,300 birds that dropp

13 November 2012

First family arrives at Slimbridge!

First family arrives at Slimbridge!

The first Bewick’s swan family of the season has flown into Slimbridge for the winter! There was great excitement as old favourites Lucius and Aoki appeared at the morning feed with a healthy cygnet in tow. Lucius (C. Bu

5 November 2012

Hello Humbugs!

Hello Humbugs!

The first Bewick’s swan jumped ahead of the rest and arrived at Slimbridge over the weekend! It was written on the cards – Friday evening saw perfect conditions for migration with light north-easterly breezes, great visibility and clear skies. North-e

29 October 2012

The swans are coming!

The swans are coming!

One of nature’s greatest spectacles and feats of endurance is now underway as thousands of small yet hardy Bewick’s swans escape the freezing Russian arctic winter and make their way to warmer havens in northwest Europe. After leaving Russia in Septem

22 October 2012

A fond farewell!

A fond farewell!

We waved a final farewell to the Bewick’s swans this week as the last few left on spring migration back to arctic Russia, symbolically ending the British winter. And what a winter it has been! Familiar faces, unusual associations and of course, the usua

15 March 2012

Mass migration underway!

Mass migration underway!

Over the weekend, the count at Slimbridge dropped from 120 swans to just 56 recorded today, with many making the most of the clear skies and south-westerly winds on Saturday evening to start their spring migration. Swans o

5 March 2012

Bewick's start migration!

Bewick's start migration!

Last night saw the first mass departure from Slimbridge as large numbers of Bewick’s started their spring migration. The count dropped from 160 birds to 118 (including 31 cygnets) overnight. Swans in flight (G. Hann)

27 February 2012

Swans prepare for the off!

Swans prepare for the off!

It has been challenging keeping track of the Bewick’s over the last few days! After counting just 165 at the morning feed on Swan Lake at the end of last week, we wondered whether some had left on spring migration....until a tip off led swan spotter Ste

23 February 2012

Signs of pre-migratory behaviour

Signs of pre-migratory behaviour

As the days become noticeably longer, the swans at Slimbridge are showing strong signs that they are about to embark on their spring migration back to arctic Russia. (G. Hann) Their days are now spent stretching their

16 February 2012