Slimbridge Wetland Centre

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WWT is the charity that protects wetlands and wildlife.

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Arctic blast brings back divorcee Saruni!

Arctic blast brings back divorcee Saruni!

The latest blast of cold weather to sweep across the UK has put migration plans back to Russia on hold, and has encouraged more birds to fly into Slimbridge instead! The reserve is the largest wintering site on the western fringes of the Bewick's swan ra

31 January 2011

Swans enjoy the floods!

Swans enjoy the floods!

There have been spectacular views of the swans on the reserve over the past few days as 200 have been making the most of the flooded scrapes on the reserve, alongside over 6,000 wigeon and nearly 600 white-fronted geese! The reserve is a nature lovers par

18 January 2011

Another poor breeding season

Another poor breeding season

A co-ordinated count of adult and juvenile swans across the UK and the continent in mid-December has shown that the Bewick's swans have had another poor breeding season. Only 10.5% of the 7,275 birds aged between 16 and 21 December were youngsters (WWT/W.

7 January 2011

Swans treated to Christmas leftovers!

Swans treated to Christmas leftovers!

Over Christmas, our reserve wardens have been busy lacing the lake shore with raw potatoes, carrots and parsnips as an extra tasty treat for the swans. During weeks of sub-zero temperatures, their natural food became increasingly scarce as the grass remai

30 December 2010

More snow, more swans!

More snow, more swans!

The big freeze continues and the swans keep flooding in! This December is set to be the coldest in the UK since records began in 1910, according to the Met Office. Food for the swans is becoming increasingly scarce as wintering sites across Northwest Euro

21 December 2010

Highest number of swans since 1991!

Highest number of swans since 1991!

A total of 261 Bewick's swans have visited Slimbridge so far this winter, the highest number seen here by 10 December since 1991, when 333 were recorded during another period of cold weather where temperatures similarly dipped to -8C. The freezing conditi

10 December 2010

Oldest swan arrives breaking all records!

Oldest swan arrives breaking all records!

We were thrilled to see the return of Winterling this morning, who at the age of 28 years, has broken the record for the oldest swan known to have visited Slimbridge! Winterling first visited the reserve as a cygnet in 1982 with her parents Albert and Rac

1 December 2010

Snow triggers swan fall!

Snow triggers swan fall!

Freezing temperatures and north-easterly winds have triggered our first 'swan fall' of the winter with 24 new birds arriving overnight, pushing the reserve count up to 120! A total of 135 swans have now visited the reserve this winter which is higher than

30 November 2010

Return of a golden oldie!

Return of a golden oldie!

We were thrilled to see the return of golden oldie Bacan this afternoon! Bacan first visited Slimbridge as a yearling in 1991 which means he is now 20 years old! Bewick's swans can live to at least 29 years old in the wild and we are eagerly awaiting the

26 November 2010

An intriguing association....

An intriguing association....

Sometimes, relationships between swans are not as they seem and recent observations have certainly left us wondering about three particular Slimbridge visitors. For the past six years, a swan named Nero has spent her winters at the reserve with what we as

26 November 2010

Crinkly's father returns with an un-crinkly cygnet!

Crinkly's father returns with an un-crinkly cygnet!

The Slimbridge reserve is humming with life at the moment as north-easterly winds and plummeting temperatures have encouraged many more winter migrants to arrive. There were 57 hungry Bewick's at the feed this morning and 34 of those have arrived since Sa

24 November 2010

Divorcee Sarindi still with Sarind!

Divorcee Sarindi still with Sarind!

Sarindi, the female swan who unusually divorced from old mate Saruni last year, has arrived back at Slimbridge! As Bewick's swans form famously loyal partnerships during their lifetimes, mating for life where they can, the divorce of Sarindi and Saruni an

18 November 2010

First family fly in with the Tea Party!

First family fly in with the Tea Party!

Swan Lake was bustling with activity this morning as 14 new swans arrived overnight, pushing the reserve total up to 24 birds. Our first family of the winter flew in, a single parent who has brought her two cygnets to Slimbridge after seemingly losing her

17 November 2010

Over 1,000 Bewick's at Welney!

Over 1,000 Bewick's at Welney!

With fog forecasted across the country this morning, swan counters on the Ouse Washes in Norfolk were bracing themselves for tricky counting conditions with poor visibility. Fortunately, the fog did not materialise, and all were treated to glorious sunshi

16 November 2010

The wind is turning!

The wind is turning!

The wind is finally turning north-easterly! Four more swans made the most of these good migratory conditions and flew into Slimbridge today, increasing the reserve count to eight. We welcomed back loyal pair Vance and Vanessa who have spent every winter h

9 November 2010