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Cold snap heralds more swans!

As the days lengthen and with spring around the corner, the Bewick’s swans would ordinarily be preparing for their long journey back to the Russian arctic. However, the recent cold snap and north-easterly winds have encouraged a few more dedicated swans to push on west and reach Slimbridge, culminating in the highest count at the reserve so far this winter.

We recorded 216 individuals including 20 cygnets with their parents this morning. The reserve was alive with the honking and trumpeting of Bewick’s as the new arrivals signalled their presence and the established regulars loyally defended their territory.

Among those keeping guard was one of our most dominant families, parents Anais and Ananan with their two cygnets. Although they are not the largest family here this winter (two other families have three cygnets each) they have certainly been throwing their weight around and have managed to keep hold of a great feeding spot just outside of the Peng Observatory throughout the winter. This may be because they are a well established pair and Anais is a confident individual who has been visiting Slimbridge for ten years and is therefore very familiar with the reserve.

Anais & Ananan with cygnets (C. Butters)
Anais & Ananan with cygnets (C. Butters)














So, just as we were preparing to wave off the first swans as they embarked on their migration, it looks as though we may be hosting them for a little while longer yet.....

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