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Grenoble leads the late arrivers!

As the cold snap continues, a steady stream of swans have been heading west at a time of year when they are usually preparing to head east on spring migration! 14 new swans have arrived since the beginning of the month, including pair Grenoble and Gien who had been until now, enjoying their winter elsewhere.

Grenoble (C. Butters)

Grenoble has spent every winter at Slimbridge since first arriving in 2001, so it was rather unusual for him not to have arrived by now. Then again, it has been a rather unusual winter, with above average temperatures throughout (Met Office) encouraging thousands of birds to remain further east rather than pressing on to Britain and Ireland, the most westerly wintering areas for the species. But then things changed....

Bewick's & Whoopers in Holland (O. de Vries)

An incursion of polar air from northern Russia with an area of high pressure has brought extremely low temperatures for large parts of Europe and considerable snowfall in some areas. Birds have subsequently dispersed in search of ice-free areas with flocks seen crossing the North Sea to Britain and many more heading to the southern parts of the Netherlands and Belgium where they are congregating on the rivers (W. Tijsen). Temperatures dipped to -22˚C in some parts of the Netherlands on Saturday and so open water is hard to come by.  

Swans flying over Holland (O. de Vries)

A total of 180 swans (including 33 cygnets) have been recorded at Slimbridge so far today, with more thought to be in the vicinity.

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