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Swans leave on a still night!

A calm, moonlit evening triggered 89 swans to start their spring migration from Slimbridge last night, leaving just 41 birds on the reserve today! After patiently waiting for conditions to improve, the birds seized their moment and embarked on their 2,500 mile journey back to Russia. Many are of course ahead of them, having left over a week ago, although migration was stalled for some by bad weather on the continent. The next few days should see the cogs of spring migration start to turn once again as westerly winds and clear skies open up speedy passage.

Our oldest swan, Winterling, is still with us along with six families. There is a lot of 'chatting' amongst the remaining birds. Bewick's swans are very vocal and use their voices to strengthen social bonds and co-ordinate actions. There is often much discussion prior to take-off!

I'm trying to savour the last few days of our winter visitors - on this bright, crispy morning, as the oyster catchers screamed over head and the swans flocked together and circled the reserve, it really did feel as though they were saying 'goodbye'!

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