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The swans are coming!

One of nature’s greatest spectacles and feats of endurance is now underway as thousands of small yet hardy Bewick’s swans escape the freezing Russian arctic winter and make their way to warmer havens in northwest Europe.

After leaving Russia in September, the swans fly along the arctic coastline to the White Sea, the Gulf of Finland, the wetlands of Estonia and the Baltic Sea. Passing over sea and land, in rain and shine, they may cross up to nine countries before arriving at their final destinations. Many will settle in the Netherlands for the winter – this country is critical for the species, hosting up to 70% of the total population. Others will remain in Denmark, Belgium or Germany. Several thousand will summon that last bit of energy to push on ahead to Britain, mostly congregating on the Ouse Washes in Norfolk or at Slimbridge in smaller numbers. The very determined will reach Ireland which lies on the western most fringes of the wintering range.

As I write, around 20,000 swans are undertaking this incredible journey and for the 200 that have now reached the Netherlands and Denmark, it is nearly over. But for the majority, there is still a long way to go....

I suppose I’m biased when I say that this is my favourite time of year, but for me, the arrival of this delicate, arctic bird that has come so far to see us, more than compensates for the dark, damp and misty mornings that are also part of the autumn package. It wont be long before many of our centres are buzzing with the daily theatre of swan activity, much of which I hope to capture and write about here.

Who will be the first to arrive? Will it be Dario, a famously early bird, who has been the first to arrive at Slimbridge in four of the past six winters? Or will it be Coddle, who was spotted in Latvia (by his leg ring) last week? Only time will tell. With north-easterly winds forecasted for most of this week and rumours of colder weather on its way, it will only be a matter of time before we find out......

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