Diving ducks, stifftails and seaducks galore!

The summer specialties are really getting into their stride...

These gorgeous Long-tailed ducks hatched out courtesy of a private breeder. They really do have the most beautiful and appealing faces. Experiencing serious decline in their native territories, this brilliant species now needs direct conservation work as they are considered vulnerable. As one of the most prized birds in Aviculture, there will be no shortage of willing volunteers! WWT's breeding techniques have been honed and perfected over the last ten years, and now we have an exceptional rearing success rate of over 90%. The key is about forever remembering their need for activity and stimulation, and the constant war against boredom and obesity. Lundi + deep water + entertainment = happy long-tails.

Two of 5 Longtailed ducklings raised this Summer.
Two of 5 Longtailed ducklings raised this Summer.

These stunning beauties have been joined by three Harlequin duck which hatched out courtesy of eggs from the WWT centre at Arundel. The Myvatn aviary really seems to be keeping the breeding pair contented! 3 seems to be the magic number. Last year saw a 1:2 sex ratio, and I'd already guess at the same again this year... Much like the long-tail their little tear-drop faces are just adorable, but they are far more capable. One of these cheeky chappies learnt within a day of going in the deep diving tank that if it jumped on the ledge above the food bowl, it could get out of the tank entirely! I came in one morning to find a Harlequin attempting to be invisible, perched on the lip. You can now imagine that the tank has been altered somewhat!

3 beautiful Harlequin ducklings hatched from eggs from WWT Arundel.
3 beautiful Harlequin ducklings hatched from eggs from WWT Arundel.

The black-headed ducks are my personal favourite. I've gone on about these loads of times, so just enjoy the photo :) we've a third hatching tonight, so cross fingers for a male!

2 black-headed or cuckoo ducklings.
2 black-headed or cuckoo ducklings.

The white-headed duck have had an uncharacteristic quiet season, brought about mostly through the un-seasonal spring and un-seasonal summer! Thankfully the juveniles at Arundel were relishing their first breeding season away from their graduation pens (their third year) and laid in excess of 20 eggs. As a result of their age only 4 proved fertile, but these puddings have joined the group from Slimbridge.

2 White-headed ducklings, a rare sight in 2013!
2 White-headed ducklings, a rare sight in 2013!

Lastly we have had quite a good year for Bufflehead. These beauties have come from all over the place, and have just loved maturing in all of this sunshine.  These characterful diving ducks make up for being small by being exceptionally feisty. It's really funny watching the males learn to bob their heads at the females when they're barely old enough to think about it!

A nice group of Bufflehead out on the water for the first time.
A nice group of Bufflehead out on the water for the first time.

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