Please note the Estuary Tower lift is currently out of order and the Canoe Safari will be closed on Sunday 20 October due to the weather forecast. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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Downy Duckling Days are here!

Wow I just cannot believe that it's May! Following a month away in April (apologies all) the month really has run away with me. Thankfully however the best is still to come; in fact it's happening right now...

Every May bank holiday half term we open our doors for one week (and 2 weekends) only for behind the scenes tours led by our staff and dedicated and knowledgable volunteers. Here you can witness first-hand the joy of egg incubation, candling fertile eggs, hatching ducklings, teeny tiny babies and gorgeous fluffy juveniles.

We exhibit a huge variety of species; from exceptionally rare birds to those of least concern. At Slimbridge all of our birds are treated with the utmost care and thoughtfulness because we are all only too aware of the delicate nature of the threats posed to wildfowl at this time. The Baers pochard pictured below in 2014 were considered of least concern 10 years ago, and now there could be as few as 100-150. Just look at what a decade can bring...

The 7 little beauties that hatched out successfully.
Rare species mix with more common ones in the Big Duckery...

The Freckled ducks in particular are looking really beautiful, and their cute little characters make the fascinating to watch (providing that it isn't nap time!) The Freckled duck is an example of one of the oldest species of duck known to man. Evolving in Australia predominantly away from the threat of larger mammals, this little duck one day just stopped evolving. They had become as perfect as they needed to be to successfully survive in their niche habitat. As a result they pre-date the duck genus, and their anatomy could be closer identified with that of a swan! These hilarious 'little dinosaurs' then are incredibly old and incredibly specialised, and they are just one of the species that we at WWT would be heartbroken to lose to extinction. As such we make it our business to both breed and educate ourselves about this little duck and its wonderful quirks. We'll never know when we may need to use such information.

Freckled ducks love to investigate- even brooms!
Freckled ducks love to investigate- even brooms!

There is so much to see and hear. I know that I'm biased but this is one of the "must see" events of the Slimbridge year. I guarantee that there will be something to see that you have never seen before. A first. A Duckery tour provides physical and mental souvenirs that you shan't forget in a hurry! So pack your camera, and head to Slimbridge. The tours are included in your entry fee, and are booked on a "first-come-first-served" basis.

2 Richardson's Canada geese and a few domestic geese too :)
2 Richardson's Canada geese and a few domestic geese too :)


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