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Eric! Feathers and independence.

Just look how they have grown! The three Erics are finally feeding, feathering and fending for themselves. The relief at the Duckery is palpable now that we can get on with our work without worrying whether behind the scenes the flamingos are voluntarily starving. Stood in order of age from left to right; 1, 2 and 3 put up a fight to remain dependent for as long as they possibly could. 2 and 3 ate pellet from up to 5 weeks ago of their own free will, albeit in terminal fits and bursts of interest. Whilst number 1 however may have taken 4 whole months, when she took her first taste of pellet; she never went back!

Daily walks are still occurring, although on occasions they are simply a sprint across the yard to their outdoor area. It would be most unlikely now for their legs to deteriorate, but vitamin D is still so important to their growth. As their feathers push through, a lot of ungainly lolloping and wing flapping is taking place, with many a head bashed by another bird and an ensuing battle of discomfort. Little pinky feathers are pushing through along with the creamy white; predominantly around the base of the tail and wings but not at all in their mantle. Whilst a spot of rain previously folded their down like little Emus, they are not quite resilient as they waterproof themselves against the elements. It really does feel as if everything is finally coming together.

They still chirrup when you call "hello," but new vocalisations are becoming apparent as the days pass, especially from 3. Traditionally 1 is always on the alert, looking poised and graceful as she gazes skywards for predators. She is the one who nearly always emits the warning signal, to which 3 panics, and to which 2 says "sssh, food!"

And so, I feel that the flamingo updates may soon cease in the short-term, and I may get back to the Duckery and its workings.


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