Hello again.

Five gorgeous white-wings from LWC

We have had a very busy season at Slimbridge so please accept huge apologies for my continued blogging silence.  Following a trip to speak for the IWWA convention I have made a solemn promise to get back to it!

These groups are just two examples (for me) of the cream of the crop this season. Above are my favourites, the White-winged (wood) duck. This group were hatched from eggs laid at the London Wetlands Centre, and make up 5 of a group of 18 birds from WWT Slimbridge. Having been unsuccessful in 2011 it is nice to get back on track with the species. With so few in captivity currently it seems important to increase their numbers. We have 4 centres holding breeding pairs and great hope for the future. They are feisty birds, and when kept in a breeding situation can often prove their own worst enemy... Out of season though, the third graduation pond looks pretty stunning right now!

Below are 3 of 15 Freckled duck sourced from WWT Slimbridge eggs this season. It has been wonderful to watch these birds flourish following their exit from the old aviary two years ago. They are very sweet birds, with the males gently "chweep!"ing away all season with that classic head bob and backward rush. They have bothered absolutely no one, and yet, still achieved the best nesting positions. With a spread of pairs and trios, we have proved to ourselves that they do not need to be in a same species group to breed successfully. And yet, I couldn't tell you what it was exactly that we have got quite right... With 5 fertile clutches, it has been wonderful to see so many messy mohawks traversing their way through the duckery system.

Over the next couple of weeks I will try to bring the blog back up to date with current totals, successes and changes. With any luck we might also have some Ivomec highlights too... Who's for a soaking?

3 of the best Frecks getting messy.

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