Nene families galore.









So you all might be wondering how well the Nene have done this year...and the answer is; brilliantly!

After a surprisingly shaky start from exceptionally mature breeders such as BBZ/BAX (2) and BBX/BAP (2) some old timers have begun to shine through as well as some new couples just starting out in life. BAA and BAY hatched out 4 gloriously fat goslings on the 26th of March, and a new mum has never looked happier. They sat out on the grass next to the Tropical house basking in the sun for several hours, and the "oohs" and "aahs" from passing visitors were wonderful to hear.









Some girls weren't so lucky in love this year. BCU was part of a trio with BEH and MBT, and despite early signs implying that BEH intended to look after them both, towards the end of incubation he finally made a choice. BCU has not allowed his favouritism to phase her however, and on the 25th of March she hatched off her first ever goslings (3) and has been an exceptionally sensible and devoted single mum.









Some of the early hatch offs are nearly starting to feather! BBZ and BAX have reared their gruesome twosome (hatched 11th March) with their usual gusto, and the little fatties are already showing feather quills on their backs and bums. BAN and BCD are also at the same stage, but exert great stealth and effort in never ever being seen. Since their return to the grounds in the first week of April, they have disappeared off my radar!

This year provided 27 nests and 113 eggs, and there are currently 21 juveniles on display.

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