Nene families struggle this Spring.

BBZ and BAX Slimbridge with goslings

Could mum (standing) look any more knackered? The poor thing sat on her nest for 28 days of hardship this February/March, one of the coldest extended Springs we have seen at WWT Slimbridge for many a year... Thankfully her hubby BBZ can now take the reigns and help lead their brood through their early weeks. They stand here on a mountain of chick crumb; the perfect first meal for a young gosling, containing 35% protein and all the vitamins and nutrients they need. It doesn't hurt for the male and female to partake of a bit of a protein boost either :)

There has  been a lot of Nene heartbreak this spring. I hate to see their hard work dashed by late frosts. Following a lot of disappointment, we collected 4 freshly hatched families to the Top Hut. Up here reigns BCV and BEP with 2 goslings, BHJ and BBB from beneath the Mesolithic hut have 1, AVF and BBV have 3, as do our new lovers BFF and AXU with a final 3. We have also hand reared 4 from BEJ and AXD, 1 from BFS and mate, 2 from our old blind male AVS and his partner BAF, and a single gosling from BGI and LCL.

I hope that you enjoy this photo update. Taken a couple of weeks ago, the pair are now proud parents to just one single strapping young gosling. As sad as it is though, let's celebrate the efforts of this intrepid pair, and take a look at their adorable handiwork.

Nene gosling Slimbridge BBZ BAX

2 Nene gosling Slimbridge BBZ BAX

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