Updates on the move!

Just a flying note to update you all on Duckery activity so far this year...

WOW is it busy?!! We have had the biggest May boom for years with the Duckery literally overflowing with birds. A stunning 22 North American black duck hatched within 3 days, and 14 Yellowbill shortly after. We were left with the awful situation when you have around 80 birds all of the same age, with the same needs and movement requirements but with nowhere to put them! Paul pulled through with the outdoor coops however and we have now finally over-spilled... It has been an absolutely joy to just knuckle down and immerse myself in the job of being universal mum. 

Special species in the Duckery at the moment include: Laysan Teal, Greater Magellan, Bufflehead, E.Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Eider, Chinese Spotbill, Hardhead, Baers Pochard, white-faced, east-indian and black-bellied whistling ducks, and a vast smattering of geese including blue-phase snows and black Brant. 

Special eggs at the moment include: (shock horror) Black-headed duck!!! But I won't count my ducklings...

It is not too late for anyone to come and visit the Duckery this season on one of our custom-made tours. These run half-hourly until the 5th June and then once-daily throughout the rest of June. Check out the events section of the website or your Waterlife magazine for details!

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04/06/11 kathy Valier: How wonderful to hear that Mr. & Mrs. Magellan's precious eggs hatched out! Sounds like you are flat out. Bet you are glad to have all that fresh turf as well as the new coops for your boomer season!

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