Duck diary

Phoebe Vaughan is duckery warden at Slimbridge Wetland Centre. Follow her blog throughout the seasons in order to discover the highs and lows of working as an Aviculture Warden at WWT Slimbridge. Follow Phoebe's diary and keep up to date with all the feathery goings-on at the duckery.

A view from the Duck feed.

A view from the Duck feed.

In recent weeks I have been covering for colleagues whilst they take annual leave. This has meant that I've had the opportunity to get out and about on the duck feed. Whilst I feed the birds at the Top Hut every day, it is nice to get out and about in or

3 December 2013

Expect the unexpected...

Expect the unexpected...

There have been some hilarious autumnal antics going on over the past couple of weeks. The juvenile mute swans all seem to be on the move, and have been crash landing all over the place! As pairs kick out their babes from 2013, they need to find a spot to

19 November 2013

Juvenile highlights this autumn.

Juvenile highlights this autumn.

Its so pleasurable to walk around the duckery at the moment. The month of October tends to mark the culmination of a season of hard work as you witness your juvenile charges really start to mature into proper adults. Below, the large flock of European G

23 October 2013

Freckled and black-headed ducks say

Freckled and black-headed ducks say "no" to Autumn!

Sorry for being a busy bee! We've had a fascinating season in the Duckery this summer, with some exciting species making an appearance. This lot however simply will not accept that it is autumn! Mrs. Freck is on yet another clutch of eggs! Frecks and bla

4 October 2013

Baers pochard breeding at WWT Slimbridge 2013.

Baers pochard breeding at WWT Slimbridge 2013.

Baers pochard are getting a lot of press at the moment. And so they should! This sorry little duck is like gold dust in the wild and captivity alike, and it seems to have caught the Conservation and Avicultural worlds by surprise. They are now classed as

29 July 2013

Diving ducks, stifftails and seaducks galore!

Diving ducks, stifftails and seaducks galore!

The summer specialties are really getting into their stride... These gorgeous Long-tailed ducks hatched out courtesy of a private breeder. They really do have the most beautiful and appealing faces. Experiencing serious decline in their native territories

20 July 2013

The exciting species just keep on hatching!

The exciting species just keep on hatching!

The Duckery just keeps on filling up! Despite what feels like heart-breaking disappointments, (hardly any stifftail and not a single whistling duck,) there are species that have filled the void... Freckled duck are one of the most capivating species; not

5 July 2013

What's hatching up at the Duckery?

What's hatching up at the Duckery?

A 90% fertile clutch of Greater Scaup eggs. I have been asked to provide some cuteness and fluffiness to the blog page, and so in the most part; here you go! Such distinctive ducklings

27 June 2013

The African white-backed ducks lay!

The African white-backed ducks lay!

The African white-backs are everyone's favourite duck here in the Duckery. The white back is usually the most seldom seen part of their plumage; until now! They have started to lay their very distinctive shiny brown eggs. This causes one of the most ama

24 June 2013

Breeding news.

Breeding news.

Sorry for the lack of posts recently; it's been all go in the Duckery this June! I thought i'd take some time out to show you some behind the scenes shots of some of the stars of the show! The Puna teal nearly always start off the season and this is by f

10 June 2013

Downy duckling day countdown!

Downy duckling day countdown!

With just one week left to go, the Duckery at Slimbridge is a scene of frenzied cleaning! Between the 25th of May and the 2nd June we will open our doors for a fabulous and free programme of tours for our visitors. (Please see the website events page!) Wh

20 May 2013

The elusive Cape shoveler update!

The elusive Cape shoveler update!

Just look at that beak! Our lone Cape shoveler duckling was graduated outside onto a grassy paddock at the beginning of last week. In just 9 days the whole group have started to shed their down and in their place feather quills are already pushing through

15 May 2013

The Orinoco geese demand attention!

The Orinoco geese demand attention!

I think I've gushed about Orinoco geese enough in the past, but there's always time for more! These lovely orange-legged beauties look like butter wouldn't melt, but just take a look at this male's spur! Whilst I clean out their foodbowls and give them f

7 May 2013

Hand-reared Nenes all grown up!

Hand-reared Nenes all grown up!

The Nenes are growing at a remarkable rate! I have inserted below a range of photos designed to make you smile :) Happy Bank Holiday! The Nenes check out the camera after at least 10 minutes of plucking up the courage. Two Nene check out a circling Buzz

5 May 2013

Cape shovelers

Cape shovelers "say no" to breeding defeat.

Mrs. Cape is a dedicated egg layer, but not a very good nest builder. Sadly these two things really need to come hand in hand with being a successful mother... Her first effort in 2013 was way back in early March, where this cheeky old pair (many of thei

1 May 2013