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Has Mr James found a friend...?!

Everyone's favourite Slimbridge flamingo seems to have mellowed in his old(er) age and may have found a new found sociable side. Mr James is well-known for his rather belligerent temper and he doesn't stand any nonsense from any young upstarts that might be temporarily resident in his pen. He generally rubs along with the Andean flock- the majority of whom are from his own generation (i.e. not young!) but even they can get the sharp end of his beak if they are not careful.

Always an independent soul, Mr James is very picky when it comes to flamingo friends.
Always an independent soul, Mr James is very picky when it comes to flamingo friends.

Many moons ago, I wrote a post about the "whistling flamingo" as you can really tell when this particular bird is annoyed. OK, so it's not a whistle in the truest sense of the word but it is a very high-pitched and very shrill call that carries way over the Grounds at Slimbridge. If you're nearby the Andean Flamingo Pen and you here some unusual flute-like noises, then go and have a look, for it's probably Mr James venting his wrath on some poor and unfortunate flamingo around him. I also love the stories the Slimbridge avics tell of him not really liking his last girlfriend. So maybe some birds don't really like to flock together all that much...?

Get off my dinner! Having seen off two of the Andeans, Mr James now gets annoyed with a much larger male Andean who dares to come and see what's in the bowl (read that as Mr James's bowl!).
Get off my dinner! Having seen off two Andean flamingos, Mr James now gets annoyed with a much larger male Andean who dares to come and see what's in the bowl (read that as Mr James's bowl!).

Over the past year or so, Mr James has softened his approach somewhat to the other birds around him and is seen in their company more than in the past. I am not saying he is now the world's biggest social butterfly (social flamingo?!) and he is still often going off by himself, doing his own thing. But there is certainly less squabbling, less raised feathers, less of his annoyed whistling and angry head swaying when he is around the others in his pen.

Relaxing with the group. Sometimes other birds will be tolerated. So long as they don't step out of line...
Relaxing with the group. Sometimes other birds will be tolerated. So long as they don't step out of line...

There are a couple of birds that Mr James is not keen on. "JBA" for example, one of the smaller Andeans, who seems to get shoved around by everyone to be fair.  She is getting stick from Mr James in one of the top photos in fact! But there are now some birds he is more frequently seen with, "JBD" for example. One of the smaller Andeans. And "JBB", a very old male who I will mention more in a moment.

Some select friends. Well, when you're as special as Mr James, you need to chose your inner circle carefully.
Some select friends. Well, when you're as special as Mr James, you need to chose your inner circle carefully.

And what of his enclosure mates? There are some characters in this flock. One of which you might remember from a few year's back who was floating around in the pool during some particular hot summer days. "JBB", the oldest Andean in the flock is back to his old tricks this summer and once again has been relaxing with his legs trailing along behind him, floating along like some pink feathery sailing boat.

"JBB" - the flamingo of floating fame. Well, why not? If it's hot and sunny. All he needs is a lilo and a pina colada?!
"JBB" - the flamingo of floating fame. Well, why not? If it's hot and sunny. All he needs is a lilo and a pina colada?!

I'll leave you with one of my favourite photos of the summer (just gone), of Mr James and one of his now more regular chums, JBD, one of the female Andean flamingos. Let's hope it's friends forever, not fair weather pals! Whatever the outcome of this new social side, Mr James certainly does not mind his own company and is definitely enjoying his "retirement" at WWT Slimbridge.

Cosy :-)
Cosy :-)

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