Winter weather and flamingo friends
The cold weather continues and freezing temperatures bring that worst of all enemies to the flamingo - ice. Flamingos are not well designed to cope with iced-over water and it is one of the main causes of death in wild flocks, as well as the number one way captive flamingos get injured. Phil and the avics are in-tune with the weather and always keep their birds nice and toasty warm should inclement weather be forecast.
So how do you keep flamingos warm? It is not the cold water per se that is a problem, but the fact that the water can freeze. By keeping the water moving inside a heated, enclosed space, the flamingos are able to access the water safely without the fear of tripping, slipping or getting stuck on (or in) the ice. Flamingos do not mind being inside their house; these are very spacious and contain enough room for all members of each flock to get along together. Remember that it is very important for the flamingos to hang-out with their friends and avoid their not-so best pals; birds segregate in their houses based on who they want to be with.
Whilst some species such as the Chilean, Andean and James' flamingos come from the cold weather areas of South America, they too will need a little extra TLC at this time of the year. Older birds enjoy the warmth of their heat lamps and by keeping the water in the bird's house moving, the flamingos can still indulge in their natural behaviours of filter-feeding, bathing and washing without the ice preventing these from happening.
For details on why ice is so bad even for wild flamingos, check out this website (out of the control of WWT so use at your own risk) but be warned, it is a story with a few sad bits even though the brave people (risking their own lives) should be praised for helping to rescue and rehabilitate the unfortunate birds.
Fortunately for the flamingos at WWT centres, they have year-round care and will always be well-protected from the worst of the winter weather :-)