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My Slimbridge autumn escape

Restore your wellbeing in our wetlands this autumn.

Restore your wellbeing in our wetlands this autumn

A day out at Slimbridge is different from one season to the next. In autumn the first of our migratory birds arrive, having flown large distances in search of food and shelter. Our reserve transforms into an impressive patchwork of rich textures and vibrant colour displays, as leaves turn amber, fruits and berries emerge from the hedgerows and fungus sprouts underfoot.

My Slimbridge is...calming

Our wetlands provide wide open spaces and fresh air for nature lovers to enjoy endless skies and epic sunsets. Comfortable hides, situated throughout the reserve, ensure visitors can shield from the elements without missing out on amazing seasonal scenes.

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Slimbridge is a haven to breath-taking winter wildlife spectacles including an array of wild birds passing through on their winter migration, or staying throughout winter - including large flocks of lapwing, dunlin and golden plover twinkling over head. Sit back, relax and watch these beautiful birds fly in unison.

Visit our latest sightings page to see what wildlife you could see on your visit.

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My Slimbridge is...creative

What better way to notice and appreciate the beauty in nature than to create some nature inspired art. We’re running a series of special art workshops, led by local artists in our newly revamped Art Hub.

The workshops are suitable for all levels and let you explore different materials like lino printing, watercolours and stained glass - using nature and wetland wildlife to inspire you. Head to our What's On page to book onto a unique workshop this season.

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My Slimbridge is...immersive

Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of our wetlands and colourful collection. Meander through the accessible pathways and have close encounters with birds from all over the world, including fabulous flamingos and the world's rarest goose, as well as exotic amphibians and friendly mammals. Experience animals up close like never before, providing a fantastic opportunity for photography. Why not try shooting through the autumn leaves for atmospheric captures and a golden hue, or get low for radiant reflections.

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My Slimbridge is...inspiring

Step back in time on a tour of Scott House Museum. Find out how Sir Peter Scott made Slimbridge the birthplace of modern conservation as you enter his home, bursting at the seams with history.

Little has changed in his home since the 1950s and you will be surprised to find out about Sir Peter Scott's amazing life - not just as the son of the famous Antarctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott, but as a pioneering wildlife conservationist, an artist, inventor, Olympic sportsman and Naval war hero.

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Did you know?

Our priority is nature connection for all our visitors. There are accessible paths, hides and exhibits around our centre. We also have wheelchairs and mobility scooters available for hire. Find out more.

Don't forget to share your Slimbridge autumn escape with us, using #MySlimbridge


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