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Top 10 things to look forward to at Slimbridge this October Half Term

Will you discover what Slimbridge means to you this October Half Term?!

Autumn is an awesome time to visit Slimbridge and this October Half Term we have a whole host of activities for families to enjoy. Will you discover what Slimbridge means to you this season Adventurous...Relaxing...Inspiring...Making memories...Making new friends...?

Family Wildlife Photography

Join tutor David Broadbent for a family friendly photography course on 27 October. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to improve on your camera skills and photograph the beautiful autumn colours around Slimbridge this season. Tickets must be pre-booked for this event, book now.

Young Birder ID Workshop

Discover why wetlands are amazing and become naturalists of the future with our new Young Birder ID workshop on 29 October. Get to grips with bird identification with the help of our experienced reserve wardens and join them to complete the morning visits to the bird hides. This event is suitable for ages 13-18 and tickets must be pre-booked, book now.

Wonders of Wetlands Bird Demonstrations

Meet species including pink-backed pelicans and a crowned crane in our new Living Wetland Theatre. Daily at 12.30pm & 2.30pm.



iSandbox uses augmented reality to take a traditional sandpit to magical new proportions! Stimulate the senses with our Wetlands Interactive Sandbox and see what landscapes you can create. Head to the Rain Garden for daily sessions throughout Half Term at 11am-1pm & 2-3pm. Make oceans swirl, lava flow and grass grow!

Wetland Heroes app

Try out our new family friendly app, Wetland Heroes and discover the full extent of Slimbridge this autumn. Experience Slimbridge like never before by going on fact finding missions and taking on fun challenges suitable for the whole family. Find out more.

Pond dipping

We have a series of beautifully planted raised ponds where families can dip for nymphs, water boatmen and water fleas using nets and trays. Why not give pond dipping a go this Half Term, daily 2-3pm and see what lurks beneath!


Brilliant Beaks talk

Learn how birds find and eat their food. Head to the new Living Wetland Theatre for this brilliant beak bonanza, daily at 11.30am.

Arctic Adventure

Become a real life adventurer at our Arctic Tundra. Dress up as a researcher or plan a Tundra hut meal! Visitor Engagers will be on hand to tell you more about our founder Sir Peter Scott, WWT researchers and the wildlife that visits Slimbridge from the Arctic Tundra.

Canoe Safari

October Half Term is the last chance this year to grab a paddle and spot wildlife from the water. Hire a canoe and head out on our fun trail, 11am-4pm. Please note this is weather dependent - please check at admissions on arrival if the Canoe Safari is running that day.

Canoe Safari, credit Clem Hencher Stevens.jpg

Share your Slimbridge autumn adventure with us online using #MySlimbridge


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