140 Russian White-fronted Geese and the Glossy Ibis again
The Russian White fronted Goose flock numbered 140 today, they are currently favouring the Ox Piece, best to look from the Estuary Tower to view the field. if you scan across the Tack Piece they are in the next field to the NE. At least three Greenland White-fronted Geese and 17 Bewick's Swans (10 cygnets) were feeding here this afternoon along with a flock of Canada and Greylag Geese + a Greylag x Canada and Barnacle x Greylag hybrids.
The Glossy Ibis was relocated this afternoon feeding in the entrance road field on the N side of the road near the canal.
The Dumbles
The single and trio of Dark-bellied Brent Geese were seen with the Barnacle Geese on the Dumbles or saltmarsh shelf, the Snow x Bar-headed Goose and Ross's Goose also with them. A Peregrine spent much of the morning on driftwood. A few Skylark and Siskins were noted flying over or near to the tower.
Estuary Tower/Tack Piece
A count of 2545 Lapwing was made around midday, 1800 Golden Plover and 1700 Dunlin together on the Severn. The Tack Piece hosted two Little Stints among the Dunlin with at least one stint also seen on the pools on the Dumbles. 240+ Black-tailed Godwit, 12 Ruff, 33 Redshank, 90 Curlew were kept on their toes by a pair of hunting Peregrines and a Marsh Harrier that visited a few times. Large flocks of Wigeon, Pintail and Teal were joined by Pochard, Tufted Duck and Shoveler. A few hundred Canada Geese grazed the floods and fleld with lesser numbers of Greylag. A few Snipe were also noted and a surprise Ringed Plover, probably wind driven up the estuary. One or two Buzzards hung about. Bewick's Swan pairs and families also fed on and off.
The Long Ground Egret roost held 10 Cattle, 9 Little and 2 Great White Egrets, one of the latter was seen in flight over the N end of the reserve at midday. All departed to feed for the day early morning.
Top New Piece
A Marsh Harrier drifted through early today which led to a count of 1261 Teal.
Rushy Hide
The Avocet, a few Snipe and 80 Lapwing plus 90 Pintail and 70 Pochard and flocks of Mallard, Shelduck, Teal, Coot and Greylag and Canada Geese.
South Lake
Four Avocet, 71 Lapwing, 90 Teal, 30 Shoveler and 80 Tufted Duck were present early on, 70 of the Tufted Duck unusally were on the wader scrape. It was disturbed by prolonged shooting activity just the other side of the canal.
Duck Decoy
A Chiffchaff fed in the willows along the boardwalk
Big Pen (seaduck enclosure)
A wild female Goldeneye was accompanying the collection birds.