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19-21 April roundup

Spring migration has been ticking along nicely, the NE winds led to our first large scale arrival of Bar-tailed Godwits today, just shy of 90 birds about the reserve and estuary today.

Sightings for today include the following.

South Lake

Two Common Sandpiper, adult non-breeding and 3cy Mediterranean Gulls on the North Causeway, Spoonbill asleep on the large island on the wader scrape. Two Little-ringed Plover, 97 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Oystercatcher, 22 Avocet plus Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall.

Tack Piece

Breeding plumage male Bar-tailed Godwit among 63 Black tailed Godwit on central flood. Snow Goose with Canada and Greylags, Redshank, 5 pairs Shoveler, 17 Teal, 2 Wigeon + Shelduck, Gadwall and Mallard.

Estuary Tower

Two Swift flew NE + House and Sand Martins and Swallows. 2 Redshank, Red Kite over Lower Dumbles+ Wheatear. Over the tide- 61 Bar-tailed Godwit on the foreshore, included 21 breeding plumage males and a colour ringed bird, single Ringed Plover and a variety of immature Gulls.

Top New Piece

Two Common Sandpiper, 25 Avocet, 20 Black-tailed Godwit.

Martin Smith Hide

Singing Willow Warbler by the tunnel. Sanderson Bridge near Discovery Hide- singing Willow Warbler.

Rushy Hide

36 Avocet (4 nests), single Pochard and Redshank.

Highlights for Friday 19 and Saturday 20 April as follows.

Male Whinchat on the Bottom New Piece/Top Ne Piece hedge. Merlin past the Estuary Tower and Grasshoper Warbler reeling in the Dolls Warth (overflow car park) on 20th.

Breeding plumage Spotted Redshank, adult Little Gull on the Rushy, 8 Whimbrel- Dumbles, 4 Little-ringed Plover- South Lake and Osprey fishing over the Severn on 19th.

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