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1900 Golden Plover!

A fabulous flock of 1900 Golden Plover were seen from the Estuary Tower this morning, flying over the North of the reserve. Another highlight for the day was the Cattle Egret returning to the causeway on South Lake.

South Lake

Towards the South was a nice flock of 343 Black-tailed Godwits. 74 Common Gulls made an appearance along with 3 Avocet, 120 Teal, 25 Shoveler, 44 Pochard, 7 Cormorant and 6 Tufted Duck.

Tack Piece

Early this morning there were 81 Curlew present, with two head started birds among them (number 63 and another not possible to read). The total rose to 156 as the day went on. 973 Wigeon were grazing with 17 Ruff and 21 Redshank dotted about.

Top New Piece

Another 423 Wigeon seen from the Zeiss Hide and 318 Teal with the Green-Winged Teal among them.

Bottom New Piece

A good mixture of birds and mammals this morning, with 51 Barnacle Geese grazing, a Little Grebe and 7 Roe Deer.

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