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23 January 2022 WeBS Count

Totals from today's Wetland Bird Survey count

Cormorant 5
Little Egret 1
Great Egret 2
Grey Heron 9
Crane 8
Mute Swan 149
Bewick's Swan 92
Russian White-fronted Goose 89
Greylag 189
Canada Goose 706
Barnacle Goose 225
Ross's Goose 1
Snow Goose 3
Dark-bellied Brent Goose 1
Mandarin 1
Shelduck 289
Wigeon 1227
Gadwall 29
Teal 1183
Mallard 587
Pintail 286
Shoveler 53
Pochard 115
Tufted Duck 328
Goosander 1
Goldeneye 2
Water Rail 8
Moorhen 69
Coot 109
Avocet 1
Oystercatcher 1
Golden Plover 620
Lapwing 1940
Curlew 142
Black-tailed Godwit 4
Ruff 21
Dunlin 1198
Little Stint 1
Redshank 14
Jack Snipe 1
Snipe 40
Kingfisher 1
Little Grebe 2

Also 2 Marsh Harrier, Goshawk, 2 Peregrine, female Merlin.

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