24 January 2022 sightings

Top New Piece

From the Zeiss and Van de Bovenkamp hides, the Todd's Canada and Dark-bellied Brent with Canada/Barnacle Goose flock + the Ross's and Snow x Bar-headed Goose, 320 Wigeon, c60 Teal, Great White Egret in the ditch on south side, 2 Water Rail in the reedbed below the Zeiss Hide, 400 Dunlin, 450 Lapwing + a few Golden Plover on the flood.


107 Bewick's Swans (114 on site today including Tack Piece birds), 1 Avocet, 80 Pochard, 70 Pintail, 8 Snipe.

Martin Smith Hide

13 Snipe.

Tack Piece

Three Snow Geese and 9 White-fronted Geese roosted, 21 Ruff, 5 Redshank, 800 Wigeon, 16 Pintail, c20 Teal early morning + Peregrine hunting. 18 Bewick's Swans roosted.

Estuary Tower

Peregrine on the Dumbles.

South Lake

32 Pochard, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 870 Lapwing, 210 Dunlin, 1 Oystercatcher, 7 Wigeon, 90 Teal + Glossy Ibis, 10 Cattle, 1 Little and unidentified Egret (it was buried deep in the undergrowth in the dark) roosted.

c110 Russian White-fronted Geese roosted.

Duck Decoy

Eight Little Egret roosted.



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