A Canteen of Spoonbills

Yes, apparently a 'canteen' is a recognised collective noun for Spoonbill!

Yes, apparently a 'Canteen' is a recognised collective noun for a group of Spoonbill. This morning five birds were on the Top New Piece, along with a Cattle Egret, viewed from the Zeiss Hide.

Zeiss Hide
A total of 32 Ruff were counted first thing, made up of 24 juvenile and eight adult. Part of the flock then moved around the reserve. We hope to complete a full reserve coordinated count soon to find out how many birds we actually have in total. Feeding with part of the Ruff flock was a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, whilst two Spotted Redshank (one juvenile) were also noted. Duck included ten Pintail, eight Wigeon amongst the Teal, and a Green Sandpiper and five Snipe were also noted.

Yesterday's high tide pushed in a flock of small waders which included eight Little Stint, eight Curlew Sandpiper, 15 Knot, 262 Dunlin, seven Golden Plover, two Spotted Redshank, 44 Ruff, four Avocet, four Sanderling and 30 Ringed Plover. A Garganey, 27 Wigeon and nine Pintail were also counted.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A juvenile Little Ringed Plover was on the Tack Piece this morning, along with a Green Sandpiper and four juvenile Ruff.

South Lake
An adult Ruff was with 183 Black-tailed Godwit roosting on the wader scrape. Also noted were 135 Lapwing, two Grey Heron, two Cormorant and 69 Shoveler.

Middle Point
A flock of 83 Curlew were close in to the point, including five colour-ringed birds. Two Little Egret and Grey Heron were hunting the shallow pools. A flock small waders was to the north and should be pushed in to the reserve again during high tide.

Kingfisher Hide
At least 23 Yellow Wagtail were with the longhorn cattle this morning.

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